Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Strep Like Virus

There's a virus going around...extremely contagious, that acts like strep. I just found this out from my friend Sherilyn this morning, which helped me understand my kids! Bomani was sick over the weekend--a lot of fever. I only gave him Tylenol at night to ensure a better night for all of us, otherwise, I let his body fight it, and it didn't last long, but it was nasty. Then Daisy came down with it this week. She had such high fevers I was frightened! And she was miserable. I wondered about her throat because she drinks a bit, then turns away, then drinks a bit, and turns away. Night before last I know I got one stretch of three hours of sleep, and that was when Craig took her downstairs and slept on the recliner with her on his lap. Otherwise, I got bits here and there. She was so miserable! I'd take her outside, and sit under the clear, lovely night sky, and she'd sleep in my arms. I'd put her to bed and as soon as I was nearly asleep, she'd start crying again. I kept her on Tylenol. She scared me. I am praying Hazel doesn't get it! Or the rest of us, although I wonder if Craig didn't have a bit of it last week. It's like this tough deal for the take care of your kids and then because you're so run down, you get sick. Maybe. I'm exhausted and my throat is acting funny, but I'm still hopeful. :) I mean, as many herbs as I was inhaling last week, how could I get sick?!!

As far as my healing diet, I am on the way up and out!!! This week I am taking huge amounts of probiotics, eating sourkrout and kefir (I haven't had the courage to do the cucumbers yet...Craig calls them "beer pickles" because they are so full of zing), and still mostly on the strict diet. I have started in with touches of dairy. Dairy has never tasted so delicious. Unfortunately, I still have stomach pain at times. I don't know what it is. But I'm optimistic it's healing the rest of my ills. :)

So! This is a rare experience today. Sherilyn and her kids asked to have my kids over before school starts. Did I mind??!!!  :) I was so excited I couldn't sleep late this morning. I probably wouldn't have anyway. :) But...I've been looking forward to it all week. I decided to do a coffeeshop morning all by myself. Of course, by the time you have hauled three kids into the car, buckled them in, hauled out a backpack, diaper bag, and your kitchen sink, and you're chunking the pack n play into the trunk, you start wondering if it's worth it. :) But as I sit at the coffeeshop, relaxing and considering sleeping for three hours, I know it is worth it. I dreamed of my coffee drink all week. I carefully brought my stevia along, because I'm still totally avoiding sugar (except for the worchestershire sauce I used yesterday in the meat). I decided to get an iced latte in decaf (I should avoid caffeine) and put a few drops of my own, healthy sweetener in. Unfortunately, my brain is on leave. I walked up, asked for an iced mocha with no sweetener (no wonder she looked at me funny) and totally forgot to say decaf. I took a few sips, but knew I would not enjoy it knowing I was drinking what I may not drink right now. So I took it to the bathroom and poured it down the sink. Just wasted $5. You know? Not cool. But when your brain is fried and gone, you do things like that. So I guess I'll go get the real thing soon--after enough time has lapsed that I'm not too embarrassed. :)

Next week we head for VA! I am very excited. We haven't traveled since January, and I am so ready. I really believe I will never be able to sit still in one spot for too long. Thankfully I married a man who is just like that. :) I blame the MK in me, but who might just be the way I am. It's kind of a Kuepfer thing though, so not totally my fault. :)

Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated...
Blessings on your week!

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