Thursday, August 30, 2012


Tomorrow we take off on our long safari! We are, to state it mildly, excited. We love traveling. And now, we hope our kids love traveling. :) We plan to leave soon after lunch to try and cash in on the nap least several hours of sleeping beauties.
We've been sick this week, but I have reason to believe God is now healing us. The kids have been sick for a month...and I finally took them to the doc because of the upcoming trip. Craig and I came down with a cold this week. But God is the healer...I am so grateful!
We hope to drive through the night...although we may need to stop for a bit of sleep. I'm taking ice coffee along and Craig is taking cold tea. :) We haven't done this for years, so we'll see how it goes. And of course...three kids in the back... prayers appreciated!
We'll probably stay in Va until Wednesday or so. On Monday our family will go to see mom's grave and have a small time there. You can pray for the grieving process this week. Going home to dad's house will be a step as also the time at the grave site will be. I feel a lot of peace through this, but there is still pain and tears. I miss mom for myself, but miss her for my children as much. Since her death, this life has come into a totally different perspective for me. It feels so short! And the real thing is coming...
I cannot wait for Dad and Mary to see our kids again! I wish we'd live closer to them.
Okay...enough rambles. Thank you for prayers and blessings to all of you friends!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pictures of the Life Back There

We left for Thailand...two young kids...

Sorry it's rotated wrong. Wanted a pic of my mom waving...

Neighbor kids.

First kitchen.

First vehicle.


Hangin' out.

Ama and I.



Helping Ama and Ami.

Slicing palm for pig food.

Baby Dolls

Sewing curtains.

Our house!

Our view.

My friends.

Helping harvest corn.

My friend Avile Zamua.
We had a baby!

Life started changing.

But a nice change!

Bomani's grandma.

Let's go to Khun Khong!

Bomani Leon

Family of Three

Nice. :)

My friend Asi's baby with Bomani.

Twins on the way!

We left Thailand to come home to my mom.

They are getting rather large.

Our babies!
Family of Five.

Pictures of the Here and the Now

Hazel trying to get to the cat. This is a new "pet" we have inadvertently acquired. She was begging for food one day and so I fed her. Now she sticks around. Her name is This. Bomani named her.


A full back seat. But what's wrong with a full car? :)

I don't know why he took it. Sometimes he just does that.

These girls tumble and play like puppies. Hazel is wild! She bowls Bomani over if he's not watching.

Playing with a long, purple bean pod.

Hazel it is.

She was such a sweet baby while sick.

Someday I'm having lots of help with my cooking!

I should have captured it yesterday, because by today it looks much better. Hazel took one too many risks with her climbing and fell face down on a wooden part of the step-stool. I felt--terrible.

It's awesome.