Saturday, September 8, 2012


It is good to be home. We were gone about 40 minutes less than a week. :) We left Friday at 1:00 and returned Friday sometime after 12:00! We drove through the night both ways. The kids were amazing. We had been bracing ourselves. :) They were a bit more fussy on the way home, but still much better than we imagined! Our time in VA was awesome. So so good. It was so nice to be with dad again, and we really enjoyed having Mary around and hanging out with her. Our kids loved being there too. The first evening they were all three downstairs with Tim and he was giving them rides in a cardboard box. :) Monday we all walked up to the graveyard and had a small time there. That was a good step in the journey...

Tuesday we ladies went out to Starbucks and then went shopping! I made a haul at the Goodwills in the area. They have much nicer stuff than out here, and a huge selection. We had a most lovely day together! That afternoon we went through mom's china cupboard and divided things up. I have her wedding china. Come see it.

Wednesday the others had all gone, but we stayed so that I could spend time with my friend Rosemary. That was delightful! I learn so much from her. We can talk for hours about healthy living and new ways of improving our lives. :) And everything else.

And then we came home. We arrived noon on Friday, unpacked, cleaned up, and crashed. We were so tired, Craig slept sitting in the living room with all three kids roaring around. Now, that's tired!


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