Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rosetta Stone in Thai

I am looking for Rosetta Stone in Thai but not wanting to sink our life savings into it. :) If anyone has one I could borrow or buy used let me know! Thank you.


  1. Love your new blog name! :-) Hey, I don't personally have experience with Rosetta Stone, but I have been very impressed with Transparent Languages courses. Google it. If you get their deluxe program it covers everything from a-z in language learning. I have their french. They also have some free word lists with Byki... love it!

  2. Unless I'm mistaken, RS discontinued their Thai program. (Check their website or amazon, you won't find it) That means its perfectly legal to download for free at a generic pirated site. Google "rosetta stone thai download" and see if anything pops up, like filestube.com. I'm not totally sure if it works or not because our filter is blocking it but it wouldn't hurt to try...
