Hi friends! I will jump right in...
We continue to thank you for your prayers...for your interceding for us at this point in our lives. I say this "point" because we are at a turning point. We are actively seeking where God wants us to be and if we should go or stay. We are dealing with a measure of confusion and many questions. But when we come to God, we find Him to be a Rock! We hear His quiet voice, and long to hear more clearly, to live more closely to His heart.
What have I been up to recently? Kids. :) Most of my life is taking care of three toddlers. They are fairly wild. Active. Fun. I love them so much.
But I get very little else accomplished at this time of my life! And I expend more energy than I thought I had! But it's all good. :) I did get rid of all of them one day a week or two ago, and sewed. I made most of a dress for myself. I made saurkraut. I made lunch. I had no idea one could get so much done in a day's time! The next week I had a sewing day at my house. I made most of a second dress. It was a weird fabric, and not only did it shrink, but when I washed it, it widened about two inches. I went to bed very glum. :) But the next morning, after it had dried, it had slimmed up again! Very strange. Have I ever mentioned that I hate sewing? I used to enjoy it somewhat, but did not love it. Now I don't even enjoy it somewhat. :) I can handle it with Bomani on my lap, but with three little things crawling all over, nope. I still have six dresses to make for the girls. I don't know if I'll make them or not. I had the fabric, so why not? There they sit...on my sewing table...
Two ways to get more bang for your pennies:
When you get your diapers and pull-ups at DG, and you have twins so you need two big boxes of diapers, get one box of diapers and one pack of pull-ups, use a coupon for each, take them to the car, go back in, do it again. That way you can use coupons for all of them. If you get them all at once, you only use one set. :)
Go to Kohls on Wednesday after opening with the $10 gift card that came in the mail. Buy four pairs of socks for your kids and get it all free. Smile and feel smug and happy.
Decide that you may not be haunting that store as much as you anticipated. You shop at Aldi and Goodwill. What hast thou to do then with Kohls?
Sometimes I think it would be so fun to be rich. :)